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Sunday, August 23, 2015


Dream can be seen as a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep. In the same vain, dream can be a wish to have or become something especially one that seems difficult to achieve.
Developing your dreams is simply trying to develop or achieve something or become something in life. For example, a dream to have a big company in future, a dream to become a senator, president of a country etc. the question now is; how do you develop these actions? How do you work to get it?
The following are the steps to follow:

DETERMINATION:- Determination is the quality that makes you continue trying to do something even when it seems difficult.
Many have fallen out of the track of the race of their dreams because of the absence of determination, when they are almost there, it seems to become very timid and hard then they back out. Unknowing to them that the darkest time of the night is the closest time to the morning. People may see determination and patience as the same but they are far different when you are determined in life, your dreams and aspirations always come true. A heart filled with determination will step over all storming blocks of life’

CONFIDENCE:- Having confidence in yourself means having belief in yourself that you can do something and be successful. This Act is very important in developing your dreams. A person who want to develop his/her dream must be strong confidence in himself because self-confidence matters a lot. Avoid inferiority complex; that is; the truth that everyone is better than you. The belief you have in yourself is better and stronger than the belief anyone can have in you. When you learn to never give up on yourself, you will learn not never give up on your dreams.

FOCUS:- Focus is to give full attention on something. A focus man will know when the drama is over in the play of life. A focused man never seem to get tired of watching. A focused hunter will always get down his choice of animal that is to say, a focused man will always get to his destination no matter how long it takes.
In developing your dreams, focus is another edge that is very important. A focused man will never mind any side talk, any hindrance that may try to pull you down, he will always keep moving forward, he will always look for what next, he will want to face the next challenge and at the end he will find himself prevailing. A focused mind is never distracted by any strange music of life, though on the journey of life, arrow may try to hook you down but when you focus on your dreams, the sky is always your limit.

AVOIDING THE FEARS OF LIFE:- In the road of developing your dreams, a lot of fears are bound to bring you down, but the ability to know when to bring you and avoid it makes you a successful man want to develop his dreams. Fears kill a man faster than HIV/AIDS. Fear kill before death. In the boat of life, a fearful man is never guaranteed his destination. When walking on the road of developing your dreams, fear is what you should avoid, never let it come, learn to be strong, even the bible says “fear not for I am with thee”. Never be afraid of anything, God will never give you a temptation that you cannot overcome.

HAVING A CHOICE:- Having a choice of your dream before developing it will help your development to move faster. When you cannot have the best choice, try to make the best out of the choice you have made. By do this, your dream will become a sure thing.

  •  Dreams are meant to become reality, vision are meant to acquire.
  •  Challenges are meant to be overcome.
  •  Life is a race will have to win.
  • Mission are meant to be accomplished.

When you want to develop your dreams, learn to be determined, and have confidence in yourself and never forget to stay focus and without fear, make a choice of your dream. Your dream will definitely become a reality.
Have a fulfilled dream.

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